Common Musk Turtle
Sternotherus odoratus

Image by Jim Horton
A small, elongate, drab turtle with light olive brown to almost black carapace; sometimes spotted with dark pigment. The carapace is smooth. Head is a large pointed snout with two light stripes along the side. Two or more barbells are present along the chin and throat. The plastron is small, has a single hinge and is yellowish brown with rectangular pectoral scutes.

Carapace 3 - 5 inches
Similar Species
Eastern mud turtle
Musk turtles are omnivorous, consuming insects, crayfish, mollusks, small fish, tadpoles, carrion, and aquatic vegetation.
Also called the stinkpot, this slow moving bottom dweller commonly has algae growing on its back. Sometimes referred to as a stinkpot, due to its ability to secrete a foul smelling musk from glands on the plastron. Found in still bodies of water and sluggish streams. Also occurs in lakes, ponds, bayous, and oxbows.
Also called the stinkpot, this slow moving bottom dweller commonly has algae growing on its back. Sometimes referred to as a stinkpot, due to its ability to secrete a foul smelling musk from glands on the plastron.

Common Musk Turtle
Common Musk Turtle

Sternotherus odoratus